Since Jacob has been in school, Jackson, Payton and I have tried to fill our time....and we have definitely stayed busy! We started back up our play group every other Thursday with the that will be fun to see them grow and then head to Master's Kids next year just like their older siblings did. Here's a little bit of what we've been up to this past month while Jacob is in school, in the evenings and on weekends!
Payton had her 4mo checkup! She is measuring just like the boys.... petite. =) She was 12.5lbs and 22in long, which made her fall into the 31% for height (higher than the boys!) and 17% for weight. Typical for our kiddos! He said everything checked out great! Can't believe she's already 4 mo! She's SUCH A JOY and always so happy! She's cooing tons and has begun rolling over. She also just started solids and LOOOVVVEES them but can't quite figure out what to do with her long tongue! I think she's going to have to compete with Jacob with that tongue! (Where in the heck did long tongues come from in our family?!?!)
Another one of my favorites.
she was cheering for the US Open in this picture...She was cheering on Nadal. 4 1/2 months.
And now days, we call her THUNDER THIGHS. =) All 12.5 pounds are in her thighs. I'm thinking squats in her future!!!! =)
The littles and a trip to the Zoo!
Monkeys with the monkeys.
Payton and her friend, Navy! Spending great quality time together talking about life....Navy is just listening. =)
One of the days while Jacob was at school, Daddy had Employee Appreciation Week. We went up to see the dunk tank and the games they played at lunch...Jackson had fun throwing the ball to knock Jeremy's bosses in the water! It was also "favorite sports team day" hence the Broncos outfit.
Minute to Win It Games
Payton had a Dodgers outfit on when she got there but unfortunately, it lasted about 5 minutes until she pooped. Normal.
When Jacob found out we went to the Zoo without him, he was pretty jealous. So, he asked if we could go to the Zoo on that Saturday...which we couldn' then he asked if we could go ice skating?! Random. I looked into it and thought it would be fun to go on a Mommy/Sons date since Daddy doesn't ice skate and Payton didn't need to be freezing cold. The first night we went, we couldn't use the push bars so we were able to "try it out" which meant me holding both of them and skating around the rink one time in 30min.....but Jackson had a blast! He didn't even know what the push poles were so he was sad to leave. We were able to get our money refunded and go the next day in the afternoon and use the push poles. Both of them loved the ice...and now know that hockey players smell. =) Jackson was more daring than Jacob when it came to skating alone! Jacob tends to follow after his brother does it...glad he has some motivation with the younger sibling!
The decided to help Daddy wash his car one Saturday and made a caterpillar house as well. They were sad when they came to see it the next day and the caterpillar was gone. =)
This is the dress Daddy bought Payton for Christmas while she was in the womb....It's the ONLY dress he has picked out and spent more money on it that I would for my own dress!! Anyways, she finally is big enough to wear it and it looked so cute! She will be wearing this dress numerous times to make sure we get good use out of it!
After gymnastics one day, they decided to keep climbing. Jacob was trying to help Jackson get to the top.... since he couldn't reach his legs between the door jam like Jacob (see below).
notice Sully at the bottom. =)
This last weekend, we decided to take the kids on a surprise date night to a place they haven't ever been to- Mountaisa Family Fun Center. They were able to go Laser Tagging and had the best experience with Daddy!!! It was so cute to see them come out with such excitement from shooting a target and daddy!!! We also played some arcade games which earned imagine the excitement of collecting all the tickets and getting to pick out prizes at the end!!! They LOVED it and we topped off the night with Farrell's Ice Cream. Definitely think we will be going back.
The vest was as big as Jackson!
I was able to take one Sunday evening and spend it with a HS girl. We called it "discipleship" which entailed playing tennis, running bleachers, running the track and then talking about spiritual things on the way home. We had a great time together and I look forward to meeting with Jenna this next year.... Yes, it was both spiritual and physical discipline. =)
Jackson was feeling a little patriotic on his bike ride....
This cutie has found her feet!!!
We started Awana!!!!!! Jacob started Sparks and Jackson started Cubbies! I decided to take the year off from helping and am going to fill the time running errands with only 1 kid!!! They both loved their first week!
And last....but definitely not least....FOOTBALL SEASON HAS STARTED! GOOOOO BRONCOS!!! Hopefully they will win the Superbowl this year!
Not a dull moment in this household!!!!!