Tuesday, August 27, 2013

VBS and Other Summer Adventures!

This is a bunch of random pictures but ones I needed to post!  Things are so crazy that it takes multiple times sitting down to actually get it out! Sorry if it's a little disorganized!!! =)

Jacob had his first VBS week at the end of June.  A great time at Grace Baptist with his Cubbie friends learning about Jesus, singing fun songs and making some fun crafts!  His favorite part?  Eating oreos for snack each day! =) It was a Western Theme if you can't tell!

Hanging out at Hart Park with Grandma D and Grandpa!

Just being a cutie.

This is what Payton liked to do frequently at the pool.  Sun Tan!

Kid's Fest at Grace with the Plaza Fellowship!

 Playdate with water where the kids fished for gold fish!  Their first fishies that lasted oh...maybe 2 weeks?

 Hanging with Daddy

We took at trip to Carlsbad for the weekend and went to LegoLand!  The boys loved it and Payton did great! Even left without one sunburn!!

Instead of driving home 5 hours on Sunday, we changed our plan and stayed the night at the McElroy's!  It was fun to catch up with them and see baby Kinley!

Payton and Kinley are a little over a month apart. =)

Our first family movie!  The boy's loved it and Payton did great "eating" the whole time!

 Payton getting her first shots. =(  She did great!

Hanging with the cous!

This is what happens when you have a newborn and can't get to the barber for a haircut and I can't do it myself!  He did his hair on his own!

We finally made it!

 Happy 4th of July!

Soccer is back and Jackson is so excited!!!

His newest fan!

Some days she looks like Jackson.....

and others she looks like Jacob!

We got a new pool for the backyard since it was a little harder to go down to the big pool with Payton! Fun playing basketball and sliding in it!  Thanks Walmart for my $14.96 purchase!

The Ringaling Bros Circus came to town!  I was so excited to take the boys!! THEY LOVED IT!!!!  It was fun going with Aunt Natalie and Gia too!